
The Ultimate Golf membership entitles the member and his/her immediate family, if applicable, to all the amenities the Club offers, including unlimited use of the golf course, access to the driving range and short-game practice facility, full use of the racket sport facilities, swimming pool and Clubhouse, including dining areas, member bar, locker rooms and all social events. The ultimate golf membership also offers the added benefit of three complimentary guest fees during each visit to the golf course. Those who entertain clients frequently are a perfect fit for this category. Additionally, this membership includes complimentary golf cart rental for those covered on the membership. Finally, all golf-related additional fees are covered with this program.

Ultimate Membership Dues & Benefits:

Individual Ultimate Membership           $549 monthly     ($6,588 annually)

Family Ultimate Membership                $649 monthly     ($7,788 annually)

Inclusion Information:

  • 3 Complimentary guest green fees during each visit
  • Complimentary golf cart rental for those covered under the membership
  • Complimentary full locker
  • Complimentary golf club storage
  • Complimentary push cart storage
  • Complimentary range membership
  • Complimentary USGA handicap services

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