Food & Beverage Food & Beverage Manager
Phone: 717 263-8296 ext. 231
Fax: 717-263-6056

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Angie became a Chambersburg resident in 1988, graduated CASHS in 1994, & soon after was faced with the challenge of finding a career she could support a family with when she found out she was going to be a mother. The food & beverage Industry quickly became her passion & remains so to this day. One of the things she loves most about this industry is how coworkers & members become like family. In addition to her years in the workforce, she has also held several positions in the banking & financial world as well as working as a venue coordinator, recruiter, and in several types of sales jobs. Combining the skills from those years of experiences with her 28 years in the Restaurant/Bar/Club business she is excited to be a part of the Chambersburg Country Club team and to work with the staff & members to make our Food & Beverage department even more successful.

In her downtime she enjoys traveling, hiking, kayaking, sporting events, live music, trying new restaurants, and supporting the local Veterans & Social Clubs. She works with a local church helping them to plan & organize new community activities. But above all else, when she's not working, she spends as much time as possible with her children, 4 amazing grandchildren, and her family of friends and loved ones.

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